Priestly Consumables

[minor edits made – can’t read my own handwriting when compiling…]

I want to thank BBB for the suggestion that led to this article. Basically – what are the recommended consumables for a level 70 priest headed into action? Not permanents (gems, enchants, gear, that sort of thing) but a quick list of what you should probably be carrying. I’m going to make two of these in this post – the healpriest, and the shadowpriest. The following is based on a raid to Kara by people who are still finding it challenging – adjust for instances (smaller, usually) and higher level raids (might be larger loads). On the other hand, this is close to what I keep in one of my “go” bags (bags in my bank that are pre-stocked so if I get a call I’m “READY”).

NOTE: Both of these have filled AT LEAST 24 inventory slots – more if you “mix and match” different types of elixirs and foods. It is a bit heavy-handed, but is my recommendation for “all plans basic readiness”.


  1. Potions [ingredients per single item]
    1. Super Mana Potion – two stacks (5 per stack). [1 imbued vial, 1 Felweed, 2 Dreaming Glory.]
    2. Fel Mana Potion – one stack [1 imbued vial, 2 nightmare vine, 1 mana thistle]
    3. Super Healing Potion – one stack [1 imbued vial, 2 netherbloom, 1 felweed]
    4. Major Dreamless Sleep – one stack [1 dreaming glory, 1 nightmare vine, 1 imbued vial.]
  2. Elixirs (usual expiration 1 hour OR death)
    1. Guardian. 3 of (can be same):
      1. Elixir of Major Mageblood. [1 ancient lichen. 1 netherbloom. 1 imbued vial.]
      2. Elixir of Draenic Wisdom. [1 felweed. 1 terocone. 1 imbued vial.]
      3. Elixir of Major Fortitude. [2 ragweed. 1 felweed. 1 imbued vial.]
    2. Battle. 3 of (can be same):
      1. Elixir of Mastery. [3 terocone. 1 felweed. 1 imbued vial.]
      2. Elixir of Healing Power. [1 golden sansam. 1 dreaming glory. 1 imbued vial.]
  3. Flasks. Carry 2 (can be the same) (remember, all are battle AND guardian, can’t use with elixirs, usually 2 hours but last THROUGH death.)
    1. Flask of Mighty Restoration. [1 fel lotus. 3 mana thistle. 7 dreaming glory. 1 imbued vial]
    2. Flask of Fortification. [1 fel lotus. 3 mana thistle. 7 ancient lichen. 1 imbued vial]
    3. Flask of Chromatic Wonder. [1 fel lotus. 3 netherbloom. 7 dreaming glory. 1 imbued vial]
  4. Food 2 stacks of (any mix and match, none need be full stack but total 40 food)
    1. Blackened Sporefish (20 Spirit Stamina, 8 mp5). [Zangarian Sporefish]
    2. Golden Fishsticks (44 +heal, 20 Spirit). [Golden Darter]
    3. Fisherman’s Feast (30 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Huge Spotted Feltail. 1 Goldenbark Apple. 1 Soothing Spices.]
    4. Spicy Crawdad (30 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Furious Crawdad]
    5. Mak’Nathal Shortribs (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Raptor Ribs]
    6. Talbuk Steak (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Talbuk Venison]
    7. Roasted Clefthoof (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Clefthoof Meat][strength, not stamina, not so useful.]
    8. Feltail Delight (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Spotted Feltail]
  5. Oils
    1. Superior Wizard Oil (5 charges). [3 Arcane Dust, 1 Nightmare Vine, 1 imbued vial. produces one bottle with 5 charges.]
    2. Superior Mana Oil (10 charges). [ 3 Arcane Dust, 1 Netherbloom, 1 imbued vial. Produces one bottle with 5 charges.]
  6. Other
    1. Charged Crystal Focus (one stack). [10 Apexis Shards, 1 Depleted Crystal Focus.] comment – 1000 health, uses healthstone cooldown.
    2. Light Feathers (spell component) one stack.
    3. Sacred Candles (spell component) five stacks (yes, 100 candles) – ASSUMES you have one or more Prayers learned.
    4. Purified Draenic Water (two stacks). Never assume you’ll get water from the mage in time.
    5. Heavy Netherweave Bandages (one stack). [2 netherweave cloth, requires 325 first aid to use.]
    6. Demonic Runes 5. (note, BoP stackable item. Optional, recommended.)


  1. Potions [ingredients per single item]
    1. Super Mana Potion – two stacks (5 per stack). [1 imbued vial, 1 Felweed, 2 Dreaming Glory.]
    2. Fel Mana Potion – one stack [1 imbued vial, 2 nightmare vine, 1 mana thistle]
    3. Super Healing Potion – one stack [1 imbued vial, 2 netherbloom, 1 felweed]
    4. Major Dreamless Sleep – one stack [1 dreaming glory, 1 nightmare vine, 1 imbued vial.]
  2. Elixirs (usual expiration 1 hour OR death)
    1. Guardian. 3 of (can be same):
      1. Elixir of Major Mageblood. [1 ancient lichen. 1 netherbloom. 1 imbued vial.]
      2. Elixir of Draenic Wisdom. [1 felweed. 1 terocone. 1 imbued vial.]
      3. Elixir of Major Fortitude. [2 ragweed. 1 felweed. 1 imbued vial.]
    2. Battle. 3 of (can be same):
      1. Elixir of Mastery. [3 terocone. 1 felweed. 1 imbued vial.]
      2. Elixir of Major Shadow Power. [1 ancient lichen. 1 nightmare vine. 1 imbued vial.]
      3. added – Adept’s Elixir. [1 dreamfoil. 1 felweed. 1 imbued vial.]
  3. Flasks. Carry 2 (can be the same) (remember, all are battle AND guardian, can’t use with elixirs, usually 2 hours but last THROUGH death.)
    1. Flask of Mighty Restoration. [1 fel lotus. 3 mana thistle. 7 dreaming glory. 1 imbued vial]
    2. Flask of Fortification. [1 fel lotus. 3 mana thistle. 7 ancient lichen. 1 imbued vial]
    3. Flask of Chromatic Wonder. [1 fel lotus. 3 netherbloom. 7 dreaming glory. 1 imbued vial]
    4. Flask of Pure Death. [1 fel lotus. 3 mana thistle. 7 nightmare vine. 1 imbued vial.]
  4. Food 2 stacks of (any mix and match, none need be full stack but total 40 food)
    1. Blackened Sporefish (20 Spirit Stamina, 8 mp5). [Zangarian Sporefish]
    2. Poached Bluefish (23 +spelldamage, 23 20 spirit). [Icefin Bluefish]
    3. Blackened Basilisk (23 +spelldamage, 23 20 spirit). [Chunk o’Basilisk]
    4. Crunchy Serpent (23 +spelldamage, 23 20 spirit). [Serpent Flesh] – added
    5. Fisherman’s Feast (30 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Huge Spotted Feltail. 1 Goldenbark Apple. 1 Soothing Spices.]
    6. Spicy Crawdad (30 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Furious Crawdad]
    7. Mak’Nathal Shortribs (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Raptor Ribs]
    8. Talbuk Steak (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Talbuk Venison]
    9. Roasted Clefthoof (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Clefthoof Meat][strength, not stamina, not so useful.]
    10. Feltail Delight (20 Stamina, 20 Spirit). [Spotted Feltail]
  5. Oils
    1. Superior Wizard Oil (10 charges). [3 Arcane Dust, 1 Nightmare Vine, 1 imbued vial. produces one bottle with 5 charges.]
    2. Superior Mana Oil (5 charges). [ 3 Arcane Dust, 1 Netherbloom, 1 imbued vial. Produces one bottle with 5 charges.]
  6. Other
    1. Charged Crystal Focus (one stack). [10 Apexis Shards, 1Depleted Crystal Focus.] comment – 1000 health, uses healthstone cooldown.
    2. Light Feathers (spell component) one stack.
    3. Sacred Candles (spell component) three stacks (yes, 60 candles) – ASSUMES you have one or more Prayers learned – like Shadow Protection.
    4. Purified Draenic Water (two stacks). Never assume you’ll get water from the mage in time.
    5. Heavy Netherweave Bandages (one stack). [2 netherweave cloth, requires 325 first aid to use.]
    6. Demonic Runes 1 stack. (note, BoP stackable item. Optional, recommended.)

~ by Kirk on October 4, 2007.

20 Responses to “Priestly Consumables”

  1. Holy shit! Oops, sorry… bad language. Bad bear!

    Seriously, awesome job Kirk. I love you, man.

  2. Bad language? Where?

    Seriously – too many years in the army for scatalogical references (among many, many refernces) OR coarse anglo-saxon terminology to bother me.

    And you’re welcome.

  3. Good list – I think roasted clefthoof is +20 Strength and Spirit, not +20 Stamina and Spirit, so you might want to skip that. The Brewfest sausages can easily substitute for them.

  4. You might want to add “Crunchy Serpent” to the list of +damage food. Same stats as the Blackened Basilisk and Poached Bluefin, but you kill the serpents in Blade’s Edge, which means your fishing skill doesn’t have to be maxed out.

    It might be mediocre but I’d also add Adept’s Elixir on the list; the mats are easier for me to farm and it provides both +heal and +dmg.

    Great list. Thanks!

    Nice list, though.

  5. @ Dimo, thanks for the catch – removed. As for the sausages – I’m leaving all the holiday stuff off, even though there’s good stuff most of the time. This needs to be good in a month, too.

    @ Teni – Thank you for the reminder of the crunchy serpent, which led me to check (and FIX) the other numbers. As for Adept’s elixir… I’m tempted. Except that adds a whole extra tier. With regret, I’m going to leave it off MY list as for my stated purpose, getting the higher mats should be farmable or purchasable.

    But there is NOTHING saying you can’t make your own list. Or that I shouldn’t think about doing one for lower levels (Adepts being a… 50 to use? something like that anyway.) Or that I shouldn’t sweet-talk a commenter into writing a list for the lower levels (grin)…

  6. @ Teni … sigh. So I spend an hour away, and can’t quit thinking that the Adept’s might just be a GOOD thing – at least as good as the healing elixir. So I come back, check numbers and — oh, they’re the same level.

    My apologies. Good idea, and added to my list. Thank you.

  7. Very nice compilation.
    Just a note for the Shadow Priest consumables, elixirs are not recommended really recommended because provide less spell damage than their flask counterparts, and for those like myself that dance a hair below the tank on threat at almost all times, the elixir bill almost always exceeds teh cost of a flask for the evening.

    On a normal night of raiding, I personally carry (and usually use) 1 flask of Supreme Power (or Pure Death now) 2 Superior Wizard Oil, 3 stacks of candles (5 if shadow protection is needed), a stack of +23 spell damage food.

    Shadow Priests live off of their mana potion cooldown, so I usually bring 10 Major Combat Mana Potions (for trash use when shadowfiend is on cooldown), 30 Super Mana potions (I actually managed to use 30 in a night once), and 10 Major Dreamless Sleep Potions.

    I’d have to agree that Adepts Elixir could be included, if you have both the Holy Specialization and Inspiration talents.

  8. Great list, Kirk! Heh…going on vacation Sunday, but I expect when I get back, all my favorite bloggers will have similar lists up, and I’ll just copy ’em all to a convenient spot on my guild website. Kudos to BBB for the genesis of this project!

  9. Solid list. Top marks.

  10. Aweome job on the compilation. I too use the Flask of Pure Death for one I am ready to hit a boss in a place like ssc. My own personal preference for food buffs is the Blackened Basilisk because they are easy to farm and require nothing but the meat and a cooking fire. At this point and time I am ready to give up on even bothering to use the elixirs because they simply take up space Heck I don’t even use them for any instances any longer.

    The Superior Wizard oil is a definate must.

    I normally carry a stack of 5 flasks, 20 super mana potions, 40 draenic waters, 80 candles, a stack of heavy netherweave bandages, 40 blackend basilisks, 5 super healing potions.

  11. NUUUUB alert! This list looks glorious, but the only thing that I recognize is the Greater Mana Potion! Can you *please* find teh time to expand this list to add what each item does? I will find out eventualy, but would like a central point of info

  12. […] consumables to guild websites, so folks know what to bring to a given fight/raid/what-have-you. Kirk followed up with lists for heal- and shadow-priests, and Ego added another list for heal priests. Check your favorite blogs for more additions in […]

  13. […] Two Priest bloggers took him up on the challenge as well. The Egotistical Priest has written up a list of not only consumables every healer should bring to a raid, but plus what permanent enchants every raiding healer should have. Priestly Endeavors additionally generated a healer consumable raid list, but plus adds in a list for shadow priests raiding. […]

  14. […] Two Priest bloggers took him up on the challenge as well. The Egotistical Priest has written up a list of not only consumables every healer should bring to a raid, but also what permanent enchants every raiding healer should have. Priestly Endeavors also generated a healer consumable raid list, but also adds in a list for shadow priests raiding. […]

  15. Warlock consumables:


  16. The spriest recommendation for mana pots is much too low imo. I always try to keep the following on hand at all times: 30 super mana (minimum), 10 super healing, 20 major mageblood elixirs, 20 major shadow power elixirs, 15 charges of superior wizard oil, 5 charges of the mana oil (which I never use), 20 +dmg food, 20 stam food, and 20 mp5 food. I also carry a minimum of 40 bandages, 20 charged crystals, 60 candles, 40 food, and 80 water. As for flasks, I try to keep 5 of the Pure Death flasks on me. I go back and forth between flasks and shadow power/mageblood elixirs. There are certain fights where I’m willing to sacrifice some +dmg for mana regen. Others, not so much. Yes, I carry a lot. However, I never find myself having to bum consumables off of others when a raid goes extremely late. I also try to stock everything up either right after a raid or as soon as I log on for the day. That way, I don’t have to run around 10 minutes before raid time trying to figure out what I’m running short on.

  17. Blackened Sporefish are 20stamina not 20 spirit making them far less attractive than they appear on this list.

  18. @Draker, you’re right, stamina, and I’ve fixed it in the post. Yet that is still a big deal to my taste – stamina and mp5. yum.

  19. Well having them as stamina makes the fishsticks far more attractive, whereas if it was spirit it might have been a tempting swap for a holy priest.

    Flask of Supereme Power (+70 dmg) is useful for shadowpriests too.

  20. […] consumables to guild websites, so folks know what to bring to a given fight/raid/what-have-you. Kirk followed up with lists for heal- and shadow-priests, and Ego added another list for heal priests. Check your favorite blogs for more additions in […]

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