(probably) final post

As you’ve all probably noticed, I’ve not written much.  Mostly, that’s because I quit playing World of Warcraft.

No, it’s not a bad game.  No, it’s not a refutation or a complaint or anything else.  I just got tired of playing.  In fact the only reason I’d continued was that my daughter was still playing.  About a month and a half ago she decided she, too, wasn’t having fun and quit.

Will I play another MMORPG?  Someday, maybe.  I have more projects and things to do than I have time, however.  And one of the things I’ve discovered since quitting is that I’m getting things done – things that were lingering on either my wife’s honey-do or my wanna-do list.  That’s… pretty nice.  Do I miss the folk with whom I visited regularly?  Some.  But most of the ones I really liked?  I got their email, and in a couple of cases their phone numbers, and we still visit.

Will I complain of it?  Will I call others out for wasting their time?  HECK no.  If it’s fun, keep at it.

It just quit being fun.

I will be leaving this up for quite some time.  I figure parts of the blog posts I made will be relevant at least to WoTLK, maybe more.  If the hits approach zero, I’ll consider dropping the blog entirely.

If you think there’s an article or two that should be saved, you’re welcome to copy.  If you do, please attribute.  I’m not going to earn any money, but I do appreciate the credit.

It was a good time, folks, but, well-

Go have fun.  I will.

~ by Kirk on July 7, 2008.

20 Responses to “(probably) final post”

  1. Good luck with everything!

  2. Adios, Kirk. 😦

  3. Good luck with everything, Kirk, you will be greatly missed!

  4. I’ve said it before, but repeating it won’t make it less true: You have been one of the shining lights of WoW blogdom, not to mention the major contributions you’ve made to the development and betterment of many Priest characters in the game–including, in very large measure, my own.

    Your absence will create a void, but you won’t be forgotten.

    You’ve made the right call, I know, and I admire you the more for it. Best wishes, warmest regards, and Godspeed.

  5. […] Kirk, from Priestly Endeavors has officially called it quits. […]

  6. All the best Kirk, your blogging efforts were always seriously appreciated! 🙂

  7. I will miss this blog!

    The information it has provided me has been extremely useful, as well as entertaining to read!

    Good luck with all the projects!

  8. Your blog is always a top spot on my reader. Its sad to see you go but priorities change.
    Here is one priest wishing you good luck in your other endeavors!

  9. Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read, so it’ll be sad to see you go, but I can understand where you’re coming from.
    All the best Kirk, have fun and enjoy life!

  10. […] On another sad note, long time Priest and Hunter blogger Kirk from Priestly Endeavors has decided to call it. […]

  11. Good luck in whatever you do.

  12. Thanks for everything, Kirk. Yours was one of my first blogs, and I’ve always enjoyed it. Good luck with whatever you do!

  13. Thanks Kirk, and have fun!

  14. Thanks for all the posts. Here’s hoping you find the fun somewhere else.

  15. Thanks Kirk, you will be missed. Good luck.

  16. Yours was one of the first blogs I really read regularly. I found your posts to be very helpful even though I never played a priest. Good Luck man, you’ll be missed.

  17. You will be missed…
    All the best Kirk & good luck


  18. Definitely one of the best WoW blog around. Good luck with everything !

  19. One of the first Priest Blogs that I ever read, and helped me find Galadria, Matt, and Ego oh so long ago ..

    GL with RL mate 8D

  20. GL with RL 😉 I learnt a huge chunk of my game from here!

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